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Safari Heade Pic
Photo Safaris
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Magic of Light Bernd Waisolka wildphotlife
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Book Kalahari Dreaming Wildlife Photography
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I love to spend extended periods at the same location, close to nature, submerging myself deep into the wild, feeling the rhythm of nature. Many times I return to the same spots, trying to capture the images I’m looking for. Waiting for the right moment, when everything comes together, when light, mood, beauty, subject form a perfect symbiosis.

Lion Portrait Bernd Wasiolka wildphotolife
Suricates Play Bernd Wasiolka wildphotolife
Giraffe Sunset Bernd Wasiolka wildphotolife

I truly enjoy this magical moments, once the animal comes close, behaves naturally and let me glimpse into its private life. While spending time with my subject I try not to breach its comfort zone. I rather miss an image than pushing it at all costs. Moreover, none of my images show baited or captive animals. Enjoy the showcases of my work.

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Blogging from the Bush

12 January 2020
Join me on an inspiring trip through wild Namibia.  My multivisions show WILDES NAMIBIA takes you into nearly every corner of Namibia.  Just to name a few, from the oldest desert of the world the Namib, to the ...
08 October 2019
From October 2019 I’m touring some parts of Germany with my multivisions-show WILDES NAMIBIA.  This show is accompanying my new coffee-table book WILDES NAMIBIA which will be published mid October 2019.  The li...
09 September 2018
My newest safari offering 'Namibia on the Wild Side' is a 14 days photographic trip to Namibia. I will show you to some of the most photogenic locations in an incredible beautiful country. Our itinerary is planned a...

Get in touch

Bernd Namib Bernd Wasiolka wildphotolife

Bernd Wasiolka

+49 (0) 163 1740624

+49 (0) 163 1740624

Bernd Wasiolka on Facebook Bernd Wasiolka on Instagram Bernd Wasiolkas Blog
